Stress is our psychological, emotional and physical response to pressure. We feel there are too many demands, and too few resources to cope.
That pressure can arise from external factors including life events, illness (ourselves or someone close to us), living conditions, work, home and family, study, lack of some necessity, or the demands we place on ourselves.
Even those events which we see as enjoyable can be stressful, such as holidays, moving home, starting a better job, pregnancy, parenthood, Christmas etc.
Physical sensations The physical response to stress is caused by the body's adrenaline response - the body's alarm signal and survival mechanism when faced with a threat.
Where am I when I'm feeling stressed? What am I doing? Who am I with?
What helpful changes could I make?
What is within my control?
Even if there is little you can do about some situations, maybe making some small changes - in routine, in the way you handle things, doing things differently, taking time out, thinking about it in a different way, in getting help, seeking advice - could make all the difference
Identify the factors that help keep the problem going Use thecogs diagram (PDF) to help you identify what contributes to your stress. Look at each factor and try to make changes in each.
Example vicious cogs of stress:
Doing Things Differently
Do something different (to what you normally do).
Consider what demands you can reduce, or ask others to help with.
Make time for yourself each day -relaxation, fun, enjoyment. Create a healthy balance - allow time for activities which give you a sense of achievement, those that help us connect and give a sense of closeness to others, and of a sense of enjoyment.
When stressed, we often spend more time doing things that help us achieve, but less of enjoyment and closeness to others. Aim for a healthy balance as shown in the pie chart, betweenACE activites: Achievement, Closeness or connecting to others, and Enjoyment (ACE).
Focus your attention fully on another activity -Mindful Activity
Relaxation techniques - try lots and find one that works for you
Put on somemusic - sing and dance along, or just listen attentively (use music that is likely to help you feel your desired emotion - avoid sad songs if you're depressed)
Engage in a hobby or other interest - if you don't have one, find one! What have you enjoyed in the past? What have you sometimes thought about doing but not got around to?
Limit your responsibilities - it's okay to say no
Write down your thoughts and feelings - get them out of your head
Just take one step at a time - don't plan too far ahead
Positive self-talk - encourage yourself, tell yourself: I can do this, I am strong and capable - find an affirmation that works for you (even if you don't believe it at first!). Write it down and memorise it for when you need it.
Do something creative - make a box of items that remind you to use the techniques that help, or put photos on paper, or write and decorate a list
UseImagery e.g. to relax and bring about future goals
Tell yourself: "This will pass, it's only temporary". "I've got through this before, I can do it now". When we're going through a tunnel and become fearful of being trapped, there's no point in stopping - we just have to carry on in order to reach the end of the tunnel.
Learn to communicateassertively (rather than passively or aggressively)
Eat a healthy balanced diet, with plenty of fruit and vegetables
Drink less caffeine and more water
Pamper yourself - do something you really enjoy, or do something relaxing